David VS Goliath
My faithful bicycle poses next to the huge columns of the tetrastyle Corinthian pronaos of the Neoclassical Cathedral dated 1886 (white Roman numerals).
Davide contro Golia
La mia fedele bicicletta possa a fianco delle enormi colonne del pronao tetrastilo in stile Corinzio del Duomo Neoclassico datato 1886 (come indicato dai numeri Romani bianchi a terra).
Davide contro Golia
La mia fedele bicicletta possa a fianco delle enormi colonne del pronao tetrastilo in stile Corinzio del Duomo Neoclassico datato 1886 (come indicato dai numeri Romani bianchi a terra).

HI there, welcome to the dp family from Rotterdam!
Good thing to put the bike in the picture coz it adds a lot of perspective information!!
Thanks Dutchie!
Beautiful symmetry!
ma è enorme!!!!!
Another favorite! This is a great photo with just a touch of humor to it. Beautiful architecture, and your little old bike. How great. Wonderful imagination!!
Jenny (jsahawkwiz)
I'm glad that your bike was in the picture for scale - MUCH bigger than I had originally thought!!!
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