domenica, gennaio 21, 2007

Good bargains

If you are looking for good stuff with a good price you must visit the Covered Market on Monday, Thursday and Saturday morning.

You will find everything you need: the butcher, the greengrocer, the baker, the fishmonger, the herborist, the ironmonger and also clothes, fabrics, toys, perfumes, household articles, useless stuff…everything at all!

This fantastic building, with its rounded volumes, was built beginning from 1837.

Buoni affari
Se cercate buoni prodotti ad un buon prezzo dovete visitare il Mercato Coperto di lunedì, giovedì e sabato mattina.
Troverete qualsiasi cosa abbiate bisogno: il macellaio, il fruttivendolo, il panettiere, il pescivendolo, l’erborista, la ferramenta e ancora abbigliamento, tessuti, giocattoli, profumi, casalinghi, cose inutili…assolutamente tutto!!


Blogger The Wellspring said...

What is an ironmonger? Am I completely out of it for not knowing?

6:19 PM  
Blogger teo mocchi said...

...Probably my english is completely out...!
Anyway is a tool shop/hardware store, the place where you can buy screws, hammers, but also everything you need for your it ok now?

6:28 PM  

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