giovedì, febbraio 15, 2007

Money, money, money!

The refrain of a Betty Curtis’ famous song “Soldi, sodi, soldi” (“Money, money, money”) to present the Neoclassical entrance of the Bank of Italy.

Hoping to withdraw…

Soldi, soldi, soldi!
Il ritornello di una famosa canzone di Betty Curtis “Soldi, soldi, soldi” per introdurre la facciata Neoclassica della Banca d’Italia.
Sperando di dover prelevare…


Blogger The Wellspring said...

I love a great door shot and this certainly fits the bill. Is the door in a state of repair or why is it two-toned on the left?

2:15 PM  
Blogger teo mocchi said...

Well...sincerly I do not know, but I think their are repairing the door.

2:10 PM  

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