TOKYO I am arriving
Well, I will be in Japan for a couple of weeks due to my work and probably I will met Macky (Tokyo Daily Photo).
My desktop tells in advance something about my future meals!
See you soon!
TOKYO sto arrivando
Bene, per due settimane sarò in Giappone per motivi di lavoro e probabilmente conoscerò Macky (Tokyo Daily Photo).
Il mio desktop anticipa qualcosa circa i miei pasti futuri!
A presto.
My desktop tells in advance something about my future meals!
See you soon!
TOKYO sto arrivando
Bene, per due settimane sarò in Giappone per motivi di lavoro e probabilmente conoscerò Macky (Tokyo Daily Photo).
Il mio desktop anticipa qualcosa circa i miei pasti futuri!
A presto.

Looks delicious!! I would like to go out and rush into the fish market!!
Enjoy your stay in Tokyo!
Hello, I present my blog photographs to you on a small city : Martel. in the Quercy (the black perigord in France), the area of the foie gras and the omelette to boletus.
mon blog of photographs on the town of Martel.
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