Alien parking space
The parking-roof of the shopping centre, a kind of giant keyboard with huge luminous buttons that signal free places to alien spaceships in the night.
Posteggio alieno
Il tetto-parcheggio del centro commerciale, una sorta di tastiera gigante con enormi tasti luminosi che segnalano, nella notte, i posti liberi alle astronavi aliene.
Posteggio alieno
Il tetto-parcheggio del centro commerciale, una sorta di tastiera gigante con enormi tasti luminosi che segnalano, nella notte, i posti liberi alle astronavi aliene.

Imagine the radio and television signals they receive and try to understand. Lights are totally familiar except skylights.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. It's me!
Brookville Daily Photo
ha ha, what a great sense of humour you have... or perhaps you know things we don't know ???
Love your upside down rooster of a few days ago!
It looks like a space ship indeed
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