domenica, aprile 20, 2008


In the 80's I was a child. And an artist, Pinto, decorated the urban walls with dreamlike and visionary scenes.

This multicoloured Icarus has always roused my curiosity...and charmed, too.

Memento audere semper.

Negli anni 80 ero un bambino. E un artista, Pinto, decorava i muri della città con scene oniriche e visionarie.
Questo Icaro vario-pinto mi ha sempre incuriosito...e anche affascinato.
Memento audere semper.


Blogger lv2scpbk said...

Looks like some beautiful artwork.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Chuck Pefley said...

Almost looks like a fresco technique. I'll bet it was truly a beauty when it was fresh.

12:10 AM  
Blogger Olivier said...

ces peintures murales sont tres belles.

These murals are very beautiful.

12:32 PM  

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